They didn't choose the bitch life, the bitch life chose them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Boost of Self-Esteem

I am a good friend.  Bold statement, perhaps, but I could probably get a few affidavits to testify to that.  A good friend, and girlfriend, in the sense that I don't mind helping the ones I love out with errands or favors when needed.  I've always found that it more than comes back to me.

Anyway, this morning, after the gym, I went to the Social Security Administration office to try to drop off paperwork for someone dear who needed a replacement card.  If you ever want a boost of self-esteem or to feel better about your situation in life, spend a little time waiting at that office.  Somebody's trying to get the baby's SS card before dad is deployed to Kuwait, somebody from Sudan has just become a citizen, a vet is trying to get benefits after being sent god knows where to do god knows what, and let's not even get into the mountains of elderly and mentally disabled people waiting in line.  Of course, there was the obligatory dick who lost his ID and his SS card and can't get a pay stub because his boss won't let him work without an ID so he's just gonna get on the damned bus and head back to South Carolina.  Perhaps he might have better luck in a North something?

When number 62 was called, I headed up to the window.  I could tell the guy liked me already.  I had an organized folder full of paperwork and lacked the attitude of the Carolina guy.  But alas, I didn't have enough paperwork and was sent packing.  Mission not accomplished.

I headed back home to leash up the bitches and go for a run.  As soon as I walked in the door, they knew what was up.  Chaos began.  They ran to the front door, then the back, then the front.  I grabbed a poop bag and started digging around my purse for my iPod.  No iPod.  Hmmm...  I knew I had it at the gym, so it was probably in the car, right?  Not in the car.  By this time the bitches were tearing around the yard and Joey nearly leaped the fence.  One fruitless call to the gym later and I figured it was probably a goner.  My first inclination was, "Poor fucking me.  I do someone a favor and this is the thanks I get."  That delicious alcoholic thinking.  I tried to get a human on the phone line at the SS office and finally decided just to drive back there.

The panting, crazy bitches hopped in the car with me for the ride.  And about half way there, I realized that being pissed about losing an iPod was pretty stupid.  Maybe I dropped it.  Maybe somebody lifted it at the gym.  Point being, it's gone.  It might be gone, but I still have it better than most of those people waiting at the SS office.  I am reasonably young, healthy, and have my needs met.

The bitches and I headed back home.  We had a hot little three mile run to the tune of nature and traffic.  And it was good.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this!!!!!!!!! I've always thought you should have a blog...I follow your posts regularly. I had to go to the SSA twice...once in September to get my new SSC with my new (much time put into creating) married name...I cried with happiness and couldn't stop talking about how happy I was...I was back in April (yes, 7 months later) with a signed divorce decree to get my "old" name back...I sobbed the entire time I was there...the lady recognized me (it had only been 7 months, after all and my last name is pretty unique)...she was utterly tactful. later I realized that for what I've always thought of as a pretty dull place...that lady probably sees a lot of emotion...anyway, sorry for blabbing, thank you for sharing. :)
